The unremitting goodbye

the unremitting goodbye 

And when i’ll be wrapped in flames ,still wanting to see your face
i wont be able to call you again,i’ll have to say good bye

and when my breath be last to breath, still wanting to hear you say my name again 

i wont be able to call your name,i’ll have to say goodbye 

for i finally have to let you go , you are my in the dreams that wont come true 

i’ll have to say good bye , 

cause you were the distraction in my journey 

you were the attraction,but you were the trap 

you were love but now my greatest hate 

i cant ask you to come with me ,i’ll have to say good bye,


my voice will fade in your ears as your voice will drown in mine 

and then we’ll say an unsaid  goodbye.

in some other world i’ll find some other you 

in this world you’ll find some other me 

what was it then that bounds me

what is it then which’ll bind me ? 

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